Step Change Debt Charity Review

StepChange Debt Advice Provider Review

If you are looking for advice about your gambling debts, StepChange may be your best assistant. They have certified managers who can provide debt counselling to get your money back quickly. Applying for debt counselling has never been easier. Also see more information on

Take the First Step Towards Debt Relief

The first logical step for a debt counsellor or debt counsellor is to work with you to find a solution with your creditors: this is also referred to as the amicable process. If this is not possible, the court will be asked to find a solution, which is the legal process of debt restructuring.

Please note that the difference between debt counselling and debt restructuring is big. With debt restructuring, for example, you get a weekly living allowance and are stuck in a rigorous multi-year process of paying off your debts. Through debt counselling, it is possible to work out with your creditors a solution that is often less risky for your personal situation.

The amicable process is a voluntary debt settlement where the debt counsellor makes a payment offer to all creditors. This arrangement is voluntary and free for both the debtor and the creditor. It relates to a payment proposal that all parties (including you) must agree to.

Do Creditors Agree to an Amicable Settlement?

If all creditors agree to the proposal, you must fulfil all the terms of the arrangement for three years, and then the remainder of the debts will be written off just as in a debt restructuring. You often have more freedom during the friendly process. That is because the amicable process was not imposed by the court. It helps to know that you are debt-free in principle after three to five years, but of course, the goal of all parties is to pay all your debts in full.

Failed to pay off debts?

If you are unable to pay all of your debts or if you do not meet the creditors' terms, legal action will be initiated via debt rescheduling. Hence, you are obligated by the court to cooperate, if you don't, there is a chance that you will be stuck in debt for the rest of your life.

Debt Counseling through StepChange

The debt problem can take a serious turn threatening your financial security and the stability of your family, which may lead to the foreclosure of wages or personal property. Then, fill out the contact form and one of StepChange's experts will contact you to help with your debt issue.